Tuesday, July 21, 2009

♠ Other common terms


    A Floppy Disk (sometimes just called a “disk”) looks like a plastic card that can be put into a slot in the front of the computer. These disks hold information and can be used to exchange information between computers. This type of data storage is archaic and obsolete.


   A Hard Disk is a device that holds all the information that is stored on a computer. Unlike a floppy disk the hard disk cannot be removed from the computer but stores much more information

A CD-ROM is very similar to a stereo’s CD player. It not only plays music but can also retrieve information stored on CD's.

A USB Flash Drive (sometimes just called a “flash drive”) looks like a plastic tube that can be put into a slot in the front of the modern computer. Older computers will require you to insert it in a slot in the back or you may not be able to use the drive at all depending on the age of the computer. These disks hold information and can be used to exchange information between computers.

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