Tuesday, July 21, 2009

♠ Common computer hardware

The following is a list of the most common hardware found on office and home computers.

The Monitor is the display screen, similar to a television screen

Keyboard is what you type on, similar to a typewriter.

The Mouse is the small hand held device that attaches to the computer. It may have two or three buttons. The mouse is used to move the cursor (pointer) on the computer screen.

The Computer, tower, or case is the heart of the system. This is a box that contains all the parts that make the computer work. It can be identified by the fact that it does not seem to do anything. It also has slots to put computer disks in.

The Printer is a device that puts what you have created on to paper.


More on the mouse 

    The mouse is a hand held device that lets you interact with the computer by pointing to things on the screen. When you move the mouse on a flat surface a cursor (pointer) moves on the screen. By using the buttons on the mouse you can choose, highlight and move objects. The following list of terms describes the different ways a mouse can be used

    Clicking - Pointing to an item and quickly pressing and releasing the mouse button.
  Left clic

king - clicking the left button while the pointer is over something on the screen will select it.

    Right clicking - clicking the right button while the pointer is over something on the screen will bring up a menu of options. This menu list things that can be done with that object. (ex. copy and paste)

    Double-clicking - Double-clicking means clicking twice with your left mouse button very fast. This is used to begin programs. This will be explained further in future tutorials. 

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